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How to Tell about Photochromic Sunglasses?

How to Tell about Photochromic Sunglasses?


Well, it could be a pain to wear sunglasses or prescription eyewear in the summer season. And it is more painful for the wearers to carry two types of spectacles for two different settings. But thanks to photochromic sunglasses, you use only one pair of eyewear for two specific purposes. It has made it possible for you to use a single pair of glasses for indoor and outdoor settings.


These lenses change their shades cleverly with the change in light intensity. They don’t only shield your eyes in the bright sunlight but offer a clear view in the indoor setting if you use prescription glasses. Besides, they keep wearers' eyes convenient rather than changing pairs of spectacles for different conditions. Visit here for more choices.


Clear Idea About the Photochromic Lenses:


Photochromic lenses are incredible technology because they remain clear in indoor settings. And automatically change their shade to look like sunglasses in the bright light. UV rays from sunlight can impact the molecules of the photochromic lenses, and they change their tint. They convert into darker lenses in the presence of sunlight, even on hazy days as ultraviolet rays can penetrate from clouds.


These lenses offer you clear vision no matter what lighting conditions you are in. Photochromic glasses excellently fulfill your vision needs according to a light situation. Transition lenses are a famous brand of photochromic lenses, and sometimes they are also known as transition lenses. Other names of transition lenses are variable-tinted, auto-tinted, or adaptive-tinted lenses. Photochromic lenses are not like polarized lenses as these a different sets of layers that protect your eyes from glare. And they are also different from changeable lenses because they don’t change their shades like transition lenses.


Advantages of Photochromic Eyeglasses:


  • They reduce eye fatigue and other potential eye damage after cataract surgery. This is because they filter out 100% ultraviolet rays.
  • Photochromic lenses are more convenient because you don’t need to carry two different pairs of eyeglasses with you.
  • Transition lenses help to save money because purchasing two different pairs of sunglasses for running is expensive. But buying one pair with multiple features is cheap with excellent performance.


What is the Function of Photochromic Lenses?


Standard sunglasses can filter out a specific wavelength of sunlight. But photochromic lenses are like carbon bases whose molecules react with the ultraviolet rays. When transition eyeglasses change shades, they absorb light and start to convert into darker colors. It means more UV rays can convert darker lenses. Besides, they can adapt their shade according to different light intensities. Moreover, photochromic lenses can convert their shade within 30 seconds, and they take 2 to 5 minutes to become clear lenses in an indoor setting.  


They shield eyes from ultraviolet rays and help to maintain eye health. They are manufactured through either glass, polycarbonate, or plastic. Besides, they are also available for a different prescription for those people who have poor vision. Photochromic safety glasses are more favorable for plastic material than glass because of makeup molecules. Besides, users like tinted lenses in plastic material than glass lenses because they are distributed evenly on the lens surface.








Who Needs Transition Lenses?


Transition lenses can be worn like regular safety eyewear, and anyone can get an advantage from these lenses. But they are particularly important for those users who work in two different light settings. They are an ideal solution for children because they cannot hold two pairs of eyewear. They are also helpful for eyes protection and clear vision at the same time.


Difference Between Transition Sunglasses and Regular Shades:


Transition lenses automatically change their shade in the presence of light, but sunglasses remain with the same shade. Therefore, they cannot offer the best clear vision in indoor settings.


  • Photochromic lenses are convenient, time-consuming, and money-saving.
  • Polarized lenses are ideal for reflected light, but they cannot change their tint level.
  • Photochromic sunglasses are ideal when you are driving because they protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.

The adaptive feature of the best transition lenses is ideal for eyes because they reduce eye fatigue and eye squinting. For those people who have to work under harsh light, they need to buy some quality sunglasses. Besides, you can get more information about photochromic lenses from an eye specialist.


Most doctors suggest photochromic sunglasses because they provide continuous safety against harsh ultraviolet rays. Besides, it is hard to handle two different pairs of glasses all the time. Photochromic lenses have adaptive features in which they act as a prescription in indoor settings and sunglasses in bright sunlight.








Final Words:


Transition sunglasses come in different colors and styles. It means you can choose anyone for your vision needs. Whether you are looking for progressives or bifocals, these lenses are your best need.

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