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Everything about Bifocal Lenses that You Don’t Know

Everything about Bifocal Lenses that You Don’t Know


Bifocal lenses allow you to use two prescriptions to see things at different distances at one lens surface.


Vision error is not the same for all because it varies with age, eye health, and lifestyle.


Fact: Indeed, almost 75% of people need eyesight correction at any time in life, and even 25% need bifocals or readers as they grow old.

SafetyEyeGlasses (SEG) is going to explore everything about bifocal lenses in the below guide.


Table of Contents: 


What are Bifocal Lenses?

Bifocal lenses allow you to use two prescriptions to see things at different distances at one lens surface. You require these lenses when you lose focus ability naturally because of an aging factor called presbyopia. Bifocal lenses are designed to execute this function correctly for declining vision because of age, and people use them when they reach their 40s.


What is the Purpose of Bifocal Lenses?

Bifocal are readers and prescription lenses that directly fit into them. They are a seamless option for those wearers who require readers and prescription lenses for far distances. Thus, Bifocal safety glasses shield eyes from a hazardous environment and keep focusing on every task while confirming secure vision.   


Bifocal lenses are available in different strengths to choose the perfect prescription for your vision. The range of diopter comes between 0.50-3.00. Following these ranges, you can see crystal clear at different distances. Besides, you can see nearby and distant objects at a time. So, you don’t require swapping between regular readers and prescription eyewear. 


How Bifocal Different from Regular Lenses?

Perhaps you have heard about prescription lenses that can completely change your vision world. But what about readers, bifocals, and progressive glasses? These are lenses customized to enhance eyesight. You might see your parents with readers and bifocal eyewear, but progressive lenses are a recent addition to the eyewear industry. 


Your eyesight is a part of a journey that needs every minute in your world. Thus, do everything for your eyes to shield them appropriately. After your eye test, focus on your suggested eye care. Sometimes, particular lenses suggest specific prescriptions. There are three common recommendations for eyewear for a particular use. Let's know how they are distinct from each other. 


  • Readers:

Reading glasses or readers customized for the correction of farsighted vision. These eyeglasses allow you to see those objects very close to your face. Readers are suitable for a different prescription challenge and can read small print stuff effortlessly. 


  • Bifocals: 

Bifocals eyewear is a mix of readers and distance lenses. The upper part of the lenses covers distance correction, and the bottom lens part is for reading intents. But they have features of a line that separates lenses in two different sections that are pretty unappealing.


The advantage of prescription bifocal safety glasses is to keep one pair of safety eyewear, no matter where you are moving or working. The only drawback of bifocals is a line on the lens that the wearer experiences confusion while wearing. 


  • Progressives

Progressive lenses have much resemblance to bifocals regarding lens correction. The only difference is a line, but progressive glasses are without a line feature. Thus, you can attain full vision correction without annoying line details on lenses. The bottom part is reading, and the top part of the lens covers distance correction. However, there is a midsection in the progressive eyewear for intermediate-distance correction. This distance is ideal for computer work. 


Progressive lenses have the only drawback is a long adaptation for wearers due to three different corrections.


Who Should Wear Bifocals?

However, bifocal lenses help to focus two different vision distances. Eye care professionals suggest bifocals for patients with myopia and presbyopia. Myopia is a nearsightedness vision error, and presbyopia is farsightedness related to age.


When users reach their 40s, they have difficulty focusing on objects that are close to them. Poor vision for near objects is a big issue for people who have to work with close-distant tasks like working on a digital screen or reading.


Therefore, bifocal lenses offer a sharp vision for focusing on closer objects and enough distant view while driving.


Are Bifocals the Same as Reading Lenses?

No. Structurally, bifocals and reading lenses are different.


  • Reading lenses:

Reading lenses contain a single vision lens on the entire lens surface. These glasses are crafted for farsighted vision and are recommended for single-vision lenses. So, the user can see the closer objects but will get a blurry view of distant objects. Besides, these lenses have a convex shape which allows only to view closer objects.


The power of lenses may change, and the prominent range of these lenses is between +1.25-+1.5. So, reading lenses are a perfect solution for closer activities, not for distant tasks. When a user hits the 40s, he tries to find out effective readers for operating computer work.


  • Bifocal lenses:

However, bifocals are similar to readers, but they have different crafts. Bifocal lenses are more versatile than readers because they allow users to view two distinct visions simultaneously. Now users can wear bifocal lenses for an extended period. Most lens parts are clear and let wearers see distant objects. Generally, they are designed for people who need bifocals for farsighted and have no problem for far distance vision.


Therefore, they don’t require other support for distant tasks. The bottom section occupies a small portion of lenses and is available in a crescent shape to view closer objects. There is no need to switch eyeglasses for two different activities. For focusing distant objects, you need to remove readers, but not with bifocals.


Which is better Bifocal or Progressive Lenses?

Well, it's up to your requirements. Bifocals have a line between two distinct visions but are a perfect fit according to vision requirements and lifestyle. However, users can find difficulty while reading digital screens, and even can lead to computer vision syndrome.


Similarly, progressive lenses are great options because they offer a smooth transition between different vision sections. Besides, they offer a broader view for closer activities like a computer screen. In the beginning, progressive technology gave a blurry vision while turning. Today, this technology has improved and offers a sharp vision. There is no distinction between all vision distances because they provide a seamless transition.


3 common Signs Denote the Time to Wear Bifocal Lenses

When people become age, they usually require bifocals. But it is hard to know when people have time to switch eyeglasses. Presbyopia or loss of focus for near objects is a natural aging process. Bifocals are an excellent choice if you have difficulty seeing clearly from a distance. Besides, bifocals allow you to combine two strengths in a single pair of lenses


The human eye has a lens inside the eyes that can easily bend and let tilt light. When these light rays enter our eyes, we can focus on close objects. While in the presbyopia condition, the eye lens loses its flexibility. Many people find a symptom of presbyopia when they hit 40. But some other signs mean to consult an optometrist because he might suggest a switch. 


  • Headaches 

Frequent headaches are one of the common signs that can lead to switching your prescription eyeglasses. If you also experience a sign of headache while working with close objects, it is a sign of changing vision. You might require extra support to focus on near targets. Despite headaches, your eyes may be more tired while managing a traditional workload. If you are suffering exhaustion and headaches after working with close objects, you might require consulting with an optometrist. 


  • Need of bright light

Perhaps you might notice not sitting with a lamp to enjoy reading a book at night. It might be presbyopia, and many patients require bright light to see close objects. If your previous lamp is not offering you bright light for regular activities, it's time to replace it. Besides, it also signifies that your eyesight is decreasing. 


  • Unsafe Reading 

You might notice you need to hold a magazine or book at some distance for good focus. This is an obvious sign to buy bifocals if you need to pay close attention to objects at a distance of arm’s length. If you are experiencing such an error, it's time to go with bifocals. Certainly, bifocals safety glasses will change your life for daily tasks. This is a safer and more comfortable option because of a combination of readers with safety glasses


How Long does it Take to Adjust Bifocal Lenses?

When people get older, their eyes experience trouble focusing on close objects. This is all because of declining flexibility in the eye lens, and this condition leads to presbyopia. Unluckily, this is part of the normal aging process, and no one can cure this situation. However, readers can make it easy for patients to perform reading or sewing activities. Other options are progressive lenses and bifocal contacts equipped with different prescriptions for vision correction. Wearing bifocals is helpful, but it might be troublesome to adjust them. There are a few impressive tips on starting the bifocal glasses journey successfully. 


  •  Wear bifocal lenses every time

For fast adaptation with bifocals eyewear, you need to wear it every time. Wear bifocals when you are working with outdoor activities. However, it takes time to adjust, especially if this is your first experience with corrective lenses. Keep wearing bifocals when you require them. Remember, your eyes will take enough time to adapt to this change. But constant wearing without swapping with previous specs, it can take one to two weeks to adjust bifocals. 


  • Never look down with bifocals while walking

Looking from the bottom section of bifocals can shake your focus. In this condition, walking downstairs might be difficult because the lower zone will offer you a larger image. Hence, you can feel stairs in a different location than in actual. If you need to look down while walking, you need to head down and try to look through the top section of bifocals. 


  • Change reading angle while wearing bifocal lenses

Hold reading stuff at the distance of arm’s length from eyes. Use the bottom section of bifocals while reading because this is a magnified part of bifocals. Besides, you need to train yourself for any movement with bifocals while reading. It would be better to change the direction of the material to get a clear view. 


  • Ensure the right fit for bifocals on the face

With an inappropriate fit of bifocals, your eyes will not adjust to a new pair of bifocals. People with bifocals or progressive lenses require extra time because of blending multiple powers in a single pair of specs. For this reason, consult an expert to ensure the right bifocals. So that he can make a perfect balance of shape and size of your face with accurate frame size. The lens height is necessary, especially for the adjusting of bifocals. If your bifocals are giving you a painful experience, consult with your doctor for the proper size. 


  • Bifocal contacts are an ideal alternative to bifocal lenses

If you are habitual with contact lenses, you are lucky because you can choose bifocal contacts. Even trifocals and progressive contacts are also available. Thus, you have multiple options regarding multifocal contacts. Including options are:


  • Far and close prescription in the middle of the contract.

  • Near power lies in the center of the contacts, and far strength lies on the edge of the contacts. 

  • The bottom part is for the near prescription and the far distance is in the top section.


But you need to ensure that you have selected your type of bifocal contacts and appropriately fit with your eyes. For dry eyes, bifocal contacts are not a good option because self-re-centering will be difficult for these patients. In this situation, objects will be blurrier, and eyes cannot get proper correction as per requirement. But your eye care specialist can guide you to the ideal option for your eyes. 


Advantages and Disadvantages of Bifocal Lenses



  • Clarity

Bifocals offer you a clear vision and improve quality work with remarkable production. When you wear high-quality bifocal prescription safety glasses, they will surprise you with vision results. The fitted magnifiers allow users to see distinctly near and far distant objects. These vision-improving lenses will assist you in seeing the entire world with super clarity. 


  • Cost-effective and convenience

By wearing bifocal eyewear, you automatically remove the swap requirement between several options. Now, no need to waste time swapping between safety eyewear and readers. Buying bifocals means saving your investment in multiple pairs of eyeglasses. And of course, you cannot deny that bifocals enhance your efficiency level, inhibit wasting time, and make you more focused on your tasks. 



  • Bifocals are not an ideal option

Some specific vision conditions, like cataracts, severe astigmatism, and dry eyes, cannot go comfortably with bifocals. The option of bifocals can aggravate these situations. In this situation, a doctor always finds a practical way to cure presbyopia. 


  • Wearers still require wearing readers

Unfortunately, bifocals may provide blurred vision for certain distances. Depending on eyewear brands, some eyewear brands offer better near vision and some distance vision. It means you may still require readers, particularly reading small print or in dim light conditions. 


Five mistakes for bifocal lenses make you discomfort and dumb:

  • Outdated Prescription: Unluckily, lens costs ever fluctuate in the eyewear industry. Thus, you need to ensure that you use the current strength for your bifocals for precision. Bifocals are not standard glasses because they demand careful crafting to prevent blurry vision. 


  • Inappropriate fit: Bifocals should be durable but not tight, which can lead to pain. Every face has a unique shape, and one-size-fit eyeglasses will not work for everyone. Luckily, there are a variety of options regarding size and style. Every user has an infinite option to choose one. 


  • Lens tint: Every lens has its weaknesses and strengths. Therefore, the wrong lens tint can create eye fatigue or eyestrain because of glare. So, evaluate specific conditions regarding a place to choose the perfect lens tint for sharp vision. Many retailers are experts in this category, and they can help you find the best option for you. 


  • Wrong use: Many users push up their bifocals on the forehead, which can lead to pressure and discomfort in the eyes. Therefore, improper use can lead to poor-fitting eyeglasses, and they need a proper inspection in case of irritation. Use bifocals accurately and with the care they deserve.  


  • Inappropriate style: Undoubtedly, eyeglasses are fashion-driven but don’t compromise quality. Some people pay more for a designer frame that cannot fit with a prescription. Bifocals are not for every wearer. Be careful in picking, no matter what style you choose. Designer and costly frames don’t ensure product safety. 


Simple Hacks for Long-Lasting Bifocal Lenses Eyewear:

When you buy bifocals to shield your eyes from foreign elements, you certainly need something that can last for several years. They should maintain high-quality vision and safety all the time while wearing. There are a few mistakes that most bifocals wearers make, and you should prevent them. 


  • Long time wearing safety glasses, but leave them without cleaning. Dirty glasses will block clear vision while working in dangerous work settings. It means getting rid pair of safety glasses with dirty lenses and being ready for an enormous investment. 


  • With any available material, clean the safety lenses. Many users have habits of cleaning, but clean safety eyewear with anything. Always use a microfiber cloth to clean your safety lenses and prevent them from scratching. Regarding cleaning solutions, use proper eyewear solutions for visual clarity.


  • The inappropriate store is another mistake that many people repeat. Every bifocal safety pair is available with a hard case for extra safety. If you are not using eyeglasses, always store them in their hard case or some other appropriate place that can prevent them from smudging or scratching.


  • Delay in replacing if need to replace. After using all the precautions steps, you cannot stop your glasses from expiring. Finally, there will be a time to change and shop for new safety pairs. Besides, you should know when to buy a new pair of bifocal safety eyewear to ensure safe workplace performance. If your protective glasses have scratches or damage, it makes sense to replace them immediately.


What Bifocal Options Does SafetyEyeGlasses Provide?

Whatever optical requirement you have, SafetyEyeGlasses (SEG) will give you the ultimate solution. The eyewear world is growing day by day, and we keep up-to-date ourselves with every step. If you're looking for a new look or need bifocals, speak to our staff.


Now save your investment on buying multiple bifocal safety glasses for women and men and buy online rather than visit opticians. We strongly recommend you start your search for online bifocals with SEG. It will offer you high-quality frames, several lens options, variety of coatings, and all get at affordable prices than others. 


Are we giving Transition Bifocal Safety Glasses?

If you spend more time in the sun and have light-sensitive eyes, transition bifocal safety glasses are a perfect option. These magical lenses automatically become darker when facing sunlight and lighter when there is no light.


Are we giving Polarized Bifocal Safety Glasses?

Polarized lenses are a perfect option for removing glare produced from reflected light that is annoying for the eyes. For this purpose, buy polarized bifocal safety glasses at a reliable price without breaking the bank. So, check our latest deals for various lenses, including transition bifocal safety glasses.


Where to get Safety Glasses with Bifocals and Cost?

With a wide range of price options, buy bifocals within your budget. It also depends on the protective lenses and frames you choose for your safety eyewear. For unhappy customers with our safety glasses, they have the option to refund them within 14 days and follow the return policy.


Our popular picks are;



Safetyeyeglasses.com is the definitive place to begin your online search for all prescription safety eyewear. We have a variety of options for bifocals, single vision, and progressive at affordable cost. Besides, the company will offer you unmatched or low-cost shipping options with a wide range of frames. Let's count on various factors that make us different from others.


  • Convenient returns: We are online retailers that provide substantial return policies  


  • Virtual try-on facility: We have the best virtual try-on facility for our customers to evaluate how safety eyewear frames suit their faces.


  • Variety of Safety Glasses: Our store has a comprehensive range of bifocals in different styles and shapes. Even we offer substitute fit eyewear for those wearers who have low nose-bridge.


  • Cost-effective: Everyone looks for a cost-effective option, and you will get this advantage while buying online bifocals safety glasses from our store.


  • Bifocal lens option: No retailer can offer different packages regarding bifocal lenses as SafetyEyeGlasses. We have three distinct lens options, everyday use, eliminate blue light, and bifocal shaded lenses.


  • Different bifocal lens packages: All bifocal safety glasses packages are available with polycarbonate lenses. For example, if you pick a bifocal frame, several options can be available for your bifocals at a reasonable cost.


  • Anti-reflect bifocals: AR coating bifocals is a superb option not for looks but for crystal vision and comfort. Besides, eliminating glare is not the only option for anti-reflect bifocals, but it lets visible light pass through the eyes for different activities like driving. Similarly, it makes the line less visible and decreases reflected light at a junction point of a lens.


So, other compulsory features you can get for your bifocals from SEG are:


  • ANSI certified

  • UV protection

  • Anti-scratch coating

  • Anti-fog coating

Final Words:

Remember, your eyesight is subjective, don’t consider it objective. Don’t compare the new pair of bifocals with the previous one. Vision is what the brain interprets, and then you can see with both eyes. So, your prescription should be the latest, and test your eyes with professional eye care. Before buying bifocals, tick the checklist like accurate prescription, look better than the previous pair, and perfect fit. Try to assess every individual factor for increasing comfort level.

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